Thank you Matt! I'll try this. In my gaming group, Razordons are considered the worst LM unit, so they will belittle them for sure. If they...
And they flank like a boss with M6 (Are they still swiftstride?) and also stop cannon balls! Since the new book arrived, the 6 razordon unit has...
As far as I know, they are, and that's why I do that. If you stay at a safe distance, you'll have a 10 inch skirmishing bunker, that will save you...
But you can take him out and put him in a Skink unit for that key turn of 6 dicing spells, and then back to safety for the combat. The thing is,...
Fluff-wise, it must be considered that most of the slann alive belong to the youngest generations AND almost all of them have been affected by...
For the first time in my life, I've decided to collect a second army (1st: LM, 2nd: Dwarfs) and i'm so exited :D I already bought my collectors...
As a proof of my lurking: I know who is Spawning of Bob's and his work. But I don't know about those early works, and would love to see them :D
Hello guys! ^^ I'm new to (posting in) the forums. Is the stat line of the witch elves the same as before? If I'm not wrong, they still have S3...
I just wanted to say hello :) I'm a Lizardmen fanatic from Chile, Latin America, and a long time leech of the forums. So, I've decided to try...