As far as I know the only Cavalry that have S4 or better base are knights that cost almost as much or more than ours, Example, Blood knights cost...
ok, I'm going to counter a few of your points bibamus for the sake of keeping this thread going in a Positive and Constructive manner. 1. yes COC...
Hang on a moment about the magic banners. First of all, how many of our units can take magic banners? Two, one of which, it would seem, is rarely...
novatomato looks up after hearing the discussion on how to kill the werewolves "It has been my firm belief that a silver bullet in the head would...
First let start by saying I love the Engine of the gods; Love the model, love the premise, love the rule set in how it works. I love using the...
I'm currently reading I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett, anything he writes is great and even better now because although he said he was...
*mutter mutter mutter* must have been fixe, if only I had my warlitter it would have been different. I'll get you next time hellbreaker, NEXT TIME!
I think the hit by the stonethrower randomises the higher strength hit and everything else gets the hit with the lower strength one, but still...
Novatomato was one of the first awake that morning, the eccentric fellow always arose and applied himself to his calisthenics and this morning was...
or at least the most deviously cunning one. :meh: but damn! between the two its very hard to call, but I think the difference will come from the...
novaotomato turns towards the man who spoke to him, "oh yes eggs, remarkable things eggs they have an almost unlimited potential in uses aside...
sounds like you've got Jabba the Slann syndrome what with the slave girls and all.
Farsight, please read the FAQs. As it is pointless to use a slot system from seventh edition in the percentage system of eighth all armies use the...
Yawning loudly Novatomato, an engineer fresh from the universities of Nuln, stretches and looks around the street. After graduating with honors he...
One more for the group.
Character Name: Qitch the Guileful Character Type: Warlord Army: Skaven Ready to Roll.
shame I had to be one of the first ones out, although i did enjoy following the game.
My latest series of games I have been playing with one unit of 24 with a scar vet and spears, a second unit of 20 no spears, and a temple guard...
I am certainly up for this. I would suggest looking at some of the contests held by Advanced Tau Tactica, or ATT for short, they did a really good...
One trick I came across when I had difficulty getting my own magic through was to equip my slann with the bane head and the tricksters shard. The...