"Why of course you can use my knife laddie, Always willing to help where station dictates." Elric unstraps his dagger and sheath from his belt and...
Its the bigger units that you want the spears on though, as a larger unit is harder to get down to the 3rd (4th if in horde formation) rank. I...
I've never come across a Stank in 8th so I'm not sure how much things have changed, but could the Blade of Realities still work (taking into...
"Nonesense. A knights armour is third most important. First his spurs, then his lance, then his armour. Why, if I had lesser armour what would...
"Ah, Tea. Nothing but the Lady herself can soothe the soul better." Walking over to the fire Elric removes his helmet, holding it under an arm....
If we want the revered guardian to be able to survive and win the challenge there are a few things we need to look at. These are: Weapon skill,...
The aged knight, sir Elric, kneels down in prayer to his Lady, asking for guidance. When done he stands and observes his companions Mayhap I have...
I just picked up two today (my friend and I are swapping), priced at $120 Canadian, the store I got them from sold them at $95 so I ended up with...
I am familiar with the coatl, just couldn't come up with a better name for a giant terradon. He is S4, the numbers just don't line up properly.
Skink Commander. 100 point Lord. M WS BS S T W I A Ld 6 5 5 4 3 3 7 4 8 Special Rules: 6+ scaly skin (he's been around a fair bit so,...
Elric Del Pentrose, The Rose of the Battle field. A Brettonian knight out seeking the grail. Following rumors The elderly knight (30) has traveled...
I can see how people would like to spend less on our already expensive character as with those extra 80 points we can get a salamander which are...
Thing is, a stegadon will take a cannon ball or two and thats it. When you run into three dwarf cannons with master engineers for each one. the...
I can't help it, I have to put 20 on the table. In all honesty that is because of the meta game around these parts. If I put the slann and TG down...
I love the COC, erm that sounds a little on the naughty side when I write it like that so let me re phrase that. I love the Cold One Cavalry. They...
well, I wish every army had some sort of equipment list/virtues/gifts/spawnings/etc that could be taken by more than one character. Kind of like...
HA, it is a very amusing anecdote. Well done.
Razordons or Salamanders would be a nice addition. Maybe a unit of two or three Razordons, or two units of one Salamander. Plus Extra handlers.
I'd say go for the steg. nothing hurts Helves more than hitting first. The Steg will also add an additional big threat on the table whereas the...
It covers everything unless, in the items description it specifically says that more than one can be taken. As for your list, it looks pretty...