Well I just posted one using a horned one because Elmquasmash had said he liked the idea of using one.
Well, the extra hand weapon is useless if you have the horned one as only infantry get the extra attack from the extra weapon. Maybe a set up like...
One thing I would try out when my group gets to about 3k points is Kroq-Gar and filling the core requirement will a single huge unit of COC. then...
You didn't miss the BSB at all? I guess Lizards are a little more reliable than most other armies but generally I find that against all but...
Just so everyone knows I have dibs on Lord Achcauhtli and his Spawned Fellows for my metal bands name :meh: . On to the list. I think getting...
Yup, one thing I learned was to paint the separate chunks first (i.e. Shields, riders, cold ones, ect.) then glue the model together. If you're...
Okay, I think I've got something to beat everything. I was in a doubles tournament today and my first game was against a Delf and Warriors combo,...
Just a status update: I am well on my way to completing my pledge, all I have left to do is small detail work on a few of my fellows, and making...
instead of the warspear you could take the sacred helm for an incredible leadership 7.
I think a lot of people see the TG as overpriced due to being a special slot. In that category they are competing with Terradons, Cold One...
I think that a couple things are really in the TG's favour. 1. WS 4, not to big of a bonus unless you are fighting ws 3 or 7 things. 2. 2+ AS in...
As for an opponents build, I usually find that there are two or three units of ten glade guard (archers) as many units of dryads, three units of...
Re: 8th Edition It's more along the lines of every four to six years. 6th edition I'm pretty sure was around for six years, but mostly its four...
somehow I missed that, thank you. It doesn't change much as with blowpipes we usually have to hit on 6's anyways so rolling to wound is a moot...
The Arcane Configuration (-1 to casting value of a Lore) is a great ability, it just doesn't help Lizards all that much compared to the others, or...
As I was writing up a list for an upcoming tournament I found I had a bit over ten points to spend after I put in everything I wanted, so I began...
As I am in a tournament for march and I NEED to have everything painted for it I pledge 1. to paint my remaining 4 skink skirmishers 2. to paint...
your two gave it one over the required vote. As it was though the only option for voting was hellbreaker so it really was inevitable that he would...
It isn't finished yet, Little Wolf, as the OP clearly states in the post.
If I'm honest, even though I really love the slann model it just seems out of place to me, we have a whole lotta lizards everywhere and a toad. So...