Well, this incredible event occured and I thought I would share it with the community. I was playing against a demons and warriors team up and...
As far as I know, the only weapons that do not suffer the -1 for long range are thrown weapons. on page 49 of the lizardmen army book are the...
Its 2D6 S4 to each unit, friend or foe alike, within D6 x #of markers. So I guess you could say that if there are four units in the radius then it...
Terradons are great for march blocking, war machine hunting, mage hunting, and the drop rocks ability is great too. They are not, however,...
For starters without any other magic it is going to be highly unlikely that you're going to be able to get the charm off, so you would be better...
It seems my inability to focus on one thing for too long has, once again, reared up and bit my plans in the booty. I have begun to make minor...
You could give the slann the Bane Head, which doubles all unsaved wounds on a specific character nominated at the begining of the game (I would...
Your talking about disciplines. The two most common ones are The Focused Rumination, which gives you a free power dice to every spell casting...
novatomato draws his spear and shield as he turns to face his commanders (as I seem to be the only one of less than lieutenant rank, a bit top...
Well, I took out a treeman in one round via an EotG charge and pulse. d6+1 S6 impact hits in addition to d6 s5 no armour saves. I had a bit above...
Hide of the Cold Ones Heavy armour. The wearer causes fear. +1 toughness. The wearer gains stupidity. They both cause, and therefor are immune...
If possible, I think you should add in a most effective unit size. As both razordons and salamanders can have up to three per unit what is the...
Aye, warmachines are what you have to watch out for, but that is why we have Terradons ;) As for how you should build the steg. Assemble the...
I'd go with the Blood Statue on the Revered Guardian, its a great trick to pull and means you don't have to get that expensive priest. As for the...
1. I think the ancient steg is great, as a mount. I wouldn't play him as a rare choice unless it was a huge points game. Why? Because I like the...
Of course the Scar Vet is better, but scar vets are also much better at killing big nasties and fighty heroes and RnF, so perhaps the skink chief...
very solid list so far. I would, however, throw in a few bound items just so that your magic phase can compete against the more magic heavy armies...
I think this particular skink has a lot of potential, especially if you have a slann in your army. Using beast lore cast bears anger on the little...
Pledge. Temple Guard assembled and painted, all 20.
"Now," says novatomato "what are our orders? Do we continue to Ostagar, or will we leave it to Chaos and head off to other cities to warn them of...