If we start this up again this year, I am most certainly joining in. I have several tournaments I'm going to and all require that all models be...
I considered taking the burning blade to deal with the treeman, but I decided against it. The stegadon can really put the hurt on the treeman so I...
General. Scar Vet Cold One, Light Armour, Shield, Spear, Venom, Aura of Quetzl. Hero. Skink Priest. Level Two, Engine, Rod of the Storm, Blood...
As a rugby player I feel for anyone who has ligament damage, as a phisio in training I say good luck with the operation and remember to take it...
Its +2 strength on the charge is it not? Stegs can only be as good as their support. Something to keep in mind.
This upcoming March, I will be participating in a doubles tourney, my partner will be a Wood Elf player and I'm trying to find a solid list to...
The art in skirmisher redirection lies in the point that the charger has to charge the NEAREST skink, not the main body of them. Thus we deploy...
I agree that you should upgrade your footslogging priest to level two. In addition, if you want to go magically offensive, drop the scroll give...
Cold One Cavalry have an armour save of 2+. And with M7 they should have very little trouble making it into CC. Once there, having likely been...
Is it just me or is it a very uncommon sight to see this magic amulet (aura of Quetzl) on the table? I find myself loving the -1 to hit in CC....
I would just like to clarify one thing. Are your Salamanders together in a group or are the two separate units?
but then, for the above mentioned lord/hero kit, trying to get magical supperiority, you are spending 1195 points on characters alone. If your...
A bit quick on the lynch mob aren't we Dreadgrass? Conwar? The Hunted? It could simply be an unfortunate coincidence. A very unfortunate and...
I can see were Okopipi is coming from in some respects, say for example you want to go magic heavy and grab a slann with an additional discipline...
After finishing to dismantle the camp site (on his own I might add, it seems everyone else was to preoccupied with Ostagar to give him a hand) he...
I would give the slann a third lore, that would eat up fifty of those points and give you some more magic power, either focused rumination, or if...
It is better for the TG to carry it as the slann counts as a large target for casting spells only, as such enemy wizards would not be able to get...
if you really want to try and get that black coach out early you could try the furious flying skink. skink chief with cloak of feathers and cast...
Thats why you try and get doom and darkness off beforehand. -3 on leadership brings her down to ld 4. not a very happy bret player. Of course the...
That would probably depend on whether you want to let that unit of TG+Slann get into combat. TG are CC monsters and twenty would give you +3 CR...