good luck in your battle on sunday/monday. Firstly wardrums on the stegie, as far as I'm concerned, are so that he can get into combat, and...
our saurus with spears can win out against warriors, our SCOC can compete with their mounted knights. For us the main thing we need to shut down...
Novatomato begins the process of dismantling the campsite, beginning with the tents. "If its not to presumptuous of a private to offer advice sir"...
I just picked up a copy of the Skaven army book today, once I have a good read through I'll probably have a number of questions for you. The parts...
yeah, the combo of heavens and razzies can be breath taking, as SlannofItza said though, they really are only useful in groups of three, unless...
Novatomato changes the angle of his attacks and tries to sweep the gors feet out from under it, at the same time, he pushes forwards with his...
carrying the wounded Bryanabbo to the tents, Novatomato gently sets him on the ground next to the semi conscious the hunted. Turning around he...
But can you not just refuse the challenge? then you target all your attacks at the chariot. And about Van Horstmans speculum, i think thats the...
In an attempt to gain the upper hand, novatomato rushes the gor in front of him sheild first. Dropping the tree branch he picks up a fallen gors...
I am going to refer you to a series of articles written by a very intelligent member, namely Caneghem. The articles are located in the FAQ and...
If the Popemobile is a chariot, then the solution is to JSoD it. Or try to get commandment of brass through, although it probably has MR or the...
Novatomato, with his mighty treebranch and shield, runs behind Conwar albeit somewhat more cautiously. He attempts to crush a gors head with a...
glancing at his spear, novatomato sees the absolute uselessness of fighting in a melee without his squad along side him. He hurls the spear at the...
Novatomato crisply salutes Dreadgrass, "Yessir, at once sir." and runs off to General Strewarts Tent. "General Sir!" he says loud enough to wake...
Being used to the horrors of war and the weakness of the human condition, novatomato is not to surprised that some such thing has happened....
I agree with strewart. I have no idea why they have become magical unique items, if they were going to be made into enchanted cold ones or some...
Possibly we might see some jungle swarms coming back. I was pondering on ways to try to control/limit the manuerability of the doom wheel and was...
Being a well drilled state soldier, novatomato strips off his armour and pulls out a rag and armour polish from his pouch. Upon cleaning the blood...
A rustling in the bushes quickly becomes the image of private novatomato as he emerges, soaked in gor blood, from the foliage. "Reporting in...
I'm game. Sounds a bit like Mafia so I've got a fairly good grasp of the mechanics.