A few more quick scatter terrain for our industrial 40k/necromunda table [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Just ran out of black wash for the rubble but done [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
More terrain grind ,ugh need to paint up like a 20 year backlog of stuff before i can start the channel... any way got a nice graveyard set and...
Terrain update Finished painting the Witchfate Tor tower as the wife still works on her rocks and hills. Will look great on the mordheim table or...
More ruins done,the wife and i are starting a battle rep YouTube channel so if anyone is interested ill send the link,wont be live for a while...
Arcane ruins finished up [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
UPDATE!!!!!! Partyhorn.wav Managed to paint up some terrian,a lozardmen arcane ruins. Just need to go to Michael's and get some creeper vines and...
Thanks,they are reaper from the reptus line,great kroxs for onky like 8 bucks
I just glued them on. I wanted to magnitize them and use them as wound counters but the onky way i could think to make it would be put the magnets...
New painting update.... All thats left is water effects on the base...ugh took a week and a half [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
From 7th edtion codex they had a language tra.slator for verbal and writen
Sorry for the long wait but finally getting some painting done[ATTACH]
UPDATE PART 2 Got talked in to getting a box of sister of thorns by a flgs owner..or as he calls them, box'o'charaters so made the wife 3 new...
UPDATED! non lizard update but update none the less. So finnaly having a bit of modeling time which i havnt had in about 2 months due to one of...
O we were playing triumph and treachery which is made to warhammer with 3-5 players. Every time you kill a unit ypu get a bronze coin for every 50...
I won the game with 2 gold coins,a silver coin,and a bronze coin. Mvp was a skink priest that exploded casting comet of cassadora, it ended up...
I just ran up and slapped shit
Got a 1500 point game of tnt(triumph and treachery) coming up on sat and thought i post my list,its just a fun list of my skink hoard 15oo on the...
So the wiife has got some new little tankettes rolling out the mekshop to harass my cult. She still needs to finish putting a wash on them and...
Thanks,due to the fact i pay the extra points to give all skinks posion in cc and shooting my friend's girlfriend calls my army a bunch of...