But how will that work lore-wise with Seraphon, who are from "the heavens?" Since most of the Faction Focus articles so far have either...
Nah, it won’t work. But it is crazy. Real life has intervened in the form of the dayjob and various household and familial duties, and I have not...
Well, we'll know more about shooting tomorrow, according to the bit at the end of today's Faction Focus on the Flesheater Courts.
Were there previews last Sunday? It seems like it's getting kind of late in the day for one to pop up, so maybe they didn't schedule one (or two)...
Things that interest me in this image. There is a wizard atop the Balewind Vortex, so that assuages some of my fears that it was just going to...
I played these games yesterday and this list did not prove efficacious. In the first game I played Flesheater Courts and managed to seize the...
Endless Spells article. RIP Kroaknado. To be honest, you weren't very well-liked by a lot of folks. But I for one, will miss you.
I'm off to play in a three 2K point game mini-tournament/game day at a local game shop I've not visited before.
Y'know, we're seeing overlapping and possibly contradictory information from the Summoning article and this nifty graphic. In the article, as we...
Hilariously, both the Engine of the Gods and the Slann Starmaster models have been out of stock at the USA webstore for weeks. And I don't have an...
And Engines of the Gods now figure in to summoning! [ATTACH]
Well, rules changes that inspire existing players to pick up a Seraphon army might make money. A Battletome (not that I think one is coming any...
So the Branchwraith's summoning is tied to a spell--is this the first "unbindable" summoning we've seen?
You know, one thing we haven't talked much about is how the storyline is advancing. AoS2 seems to be kicking off with something called the...
Plus have 600 points worth of Heroes within the exact right overlapping ranges. If this can actually be pulled off, more power to the player,...
All I want for Christmas is some two-wound Guards, Some two-wound Guards, Some two-wound Guards... Oh, all I want for Christmas is some...
Also, given that pretty much every one of our Warscrolls has an entry about the subject being summonable with a spell, does this mean that all of...
Okay, let's go overboard and micro-critique this sentence: "Meanwhile, the Seraphon generate points by performing rituals with their Slann...
I'm worried that Lord Kroak doesn't have the Slann Starmaster keywords. It would seem weird to me if he can't summon.
Okay, so it'll work similarly to the way the specialized summoning mechanics we've already seen in the recent Nagash and Maggotkin books work. So...