We are all over that article! In pictures and text both! I'm excited!
I haven't had any luck finding the "official German Facebook page" so far. Or do you just mean a link to the post? My guess is that this is...
A poster at the Grand Alliance Community just put up this image accompanied by this text: "Fresh from the official german Age of Sigmar Facebook...
As I've been following the news about the new edition, and especially reactions to it on social media, on forums, and on podcasts and YouTube and...
And like some of the spells we've seen, are Realm-specific. There's a hint at the end of the article we'll know more about how that works soon,...
A most excellent article written by our own @darren watson has been posted at the Kiwi site AoS Shorts. I highly recommend giving it a read if...
I like the Realm-specific spell lores as well, but wonder how much use they'll see in matched points play or at tournaments. My hope is that...
It's just below the graphic that shows the language of the Hysh spell, Banishment, and reads: "This is just one of seven spells available in this...
The article says there are seven spells for each of the seven Realms games can take place in.
It is, yes, as described. But I expect there to be similar mechanics in other Lores and allegiances.
I agree that there's nothing in the article particularly useful for Seraphon, I just like it in general. I especially liked that "spell stealing"...
Magic preview! I like the changes to the two "classics." And expanded Lores anyone can use based on Realm is interesting, too.
I'm going to enter the painting competition twice and create a DUAL DUEL DIORAMA.
For those, like me, who frequent their local GW shops, there are a number of events in June leading up to the release of Age of Sigmar: Second...
Here's an overlapping space on the Venn Diagram of my interests I never expected to see open up: Warhammer Adventures, fiction set in the...
The Command Points article was pretty clear that the point from taking a battalion is a "once at the beginning of the game" thing. Here's the...
Probably one total per 50 points short of the maximum. A one time bonus, just like the extra command point from taking a battalion is a one time...
Now here's this from today's Blades of Khorne Faction Focus. An answer for folks concerned about that extra Command Point netted by taking a...
The New Zealand based AoS Shorts website reports on the just-completed London Grand Tournament, where Seraphon lists came fourth and seventeenth....
It certainly seems like there are faction-specific spells, but it's probably a tall ask that every faction get one, at least at the beginning....