Just amazing!
Here's the Battle Report for the fourth and final week of the Escalation League I've been playing in.
On Wednesday, 9th May, I played the fourth and final game in my local GW shop’s Spring Age of Sigmar Escalation League. This week was the 2000...
On Saturday, 26th May, I'll be playing in a one day tournament at a local shop. Three 2000 point games played back to back, and we have to use the...
I've got a good start on it. Might finish it tonight, might paint some more. I'll have it up by tomorrow night at the latest though.
I've begun painting my Saurus Oldblood on Canosaur for the Monster Mash.
Base coating of the large areas done. [ATTACH]
This afternoon I spent a couple of hours at my local Games Workshop location and finally began working on my entry. The first thing I did, as I...
Okay, I just purchased and downloaded the Battletomes for Legions of Nagash and Fyreslayers. I'll probably continue to follow that pattern as I...
Thank you so much, this is exactly what I was looking for!
As I've been watching battles and batte reports online, and facing more opponents with different armies as I've played more, I find that I'm...
The first General's Handbook lists Lord Kroak for 540 points (according to the version I have here in the app). The 2017 update lists him for 450...
Today at noon (east coast USA time), I will play my fourth and final game in my GW shop's Spring Age of Sigmar Escalation League. My opponent is a...
Finished them up! [ATTACH]
I painted two Salamanders.
Since my ambitions for them are limited, I decided to base coat Shadrach and Meshach more quickly than I usually paint, and using larger brushes....
Saurus Astrolith Bearer complete! [ATTACH] Next up, making Shadrach (left) and Meshach (right) look like their pal Abednego (center). [ATTACH]
Goodness, those Skinks look amazing! All of this is so good!
I don't think I was expecting anything in particular. I just kind of hoped they'd have an alliance with Seraphon, because those look like pretty...
An unexpected (but welcome) day job deadline appeared, so I'm not going to get to paint as much as I'd like over the next week, and thus won't get...