Idoneth Deepkin allies. Oh well. [ATTACH]
There are twenty skulls on this model as decorative elements. That strikes me as perhaps an excessive number of skulls.
At some point I want to build a little exhaust hood/box set up so I can prime inside when the weather doesn't allow for it out in the back yard.
"Saurus?" "Yes, Christopher." "Are the paints mixed enough?" "Yes, Christopher." "Shall we begin?" "Yes Christopher." Set up for painting my...
Will do! I got the remaining models primed just now. I prime in batches, applying heavy duty double sided tape (the kind you buy in paint...
Well, I got distracted watching battle reports and painting tutorials on YouTube, so I'm not nearly a far along as I wanted to be in my "free...
This is a great community, welcome!
Hope it went well! And good luck to your wife on her papers!
These are fantastic, I especially love the Knights.
This is a very interesting question, and one I'd also like to know the answer to. It's not outside the realm of possibility that they simply made...
Here's the 2000 point army I'm putting together. [ATTACH] And here's a closeup of the "to do" list. I'd love to have these done by Sunday night....
Is this new?
How big is it, out of curiosity? I can't really tell from that photo.
Actually, scratch all of that. I played my 1500 point game partially unpainted, but have completely rewritten my 2000 point list so that I have a...
"Objects in mirror are closer than they appear."
Thanks so much!
Thank you! I'm not quite sure of placings, as she doesn't post them as we go along--she's pretty adamant about this not being a "tournament" so I...
For my sins, I have come up with a quite different version of this 2000 point list. I'll explain why below! Slann Starmaster (260) [7] --General...
Thanks, @Aginor! Here are the Deployment, Objective, and Twist cards drawn for the game. [ATTACH] The three together look to me to make for...
What do people mean when they use the term "meta" here?