Hah! I only have about a quarter of my Seraphon painted and am just now beginning to understand how to drive them around! If I ever ever bought...
I guess the app's Warscrolls are out of date then. Bummer. ETA Or I suppose it's possible I have to buy the Nagash book through the app to have...
My app was last updated 23rd April. I guess I'm going to write customer service and ask them about this. ETA I reviewed the FAQs and Errata for...
I've looked into this a little more, and I'm now quite confused. The Warscroll for Zombies online here has several differences from the Warscroll...
I don't think it's a silly question (but then, I didn't know about it!). According to the language I'm reading in the Seraphon Battletome at page...
Today's Black Library digital short is the first-ever cannon tale of the Idoneth Deepkin. "The Sea Taketh," by David Guymer.
Good tips, thank you! Y'know, I'm looking at the Warscrolls in the app and I see these keywords: Zombies: Death, Zombie, Deadwalkers Skeleton...
Eh, never mind. I just downloaded the Warscroll for Grave Guard and see that it IS a keyword. I don’t see any rules on the warscroll for how...
Looks amazing! Great job!
I was just reviewing the warscroll for Nagash, and one of his abilities—Deathly Invocation—provides healing to units described as SUMMONABLE (all...
Thank you! This week’s game is 1500 points and I didn’t see a way to build a good Shadowstrike list. My list for next week’s game, which is 2000...
Thanks again, @Joshua Horchler! Say, @Crowsfoot, (or anyone else who knows), what do you mean by “turtle up around” the Bastiladon? I’ve seen the...
Yeah, I just reviewed the victory conditions of the six battleplans included in the General’s Handbook 2017, and careful reading shows that my...
Good looking couple, good looking ogre!
My goal for the month was to field fully painted armies in the games I played in the Escalation League at the local GW, and I met it! My goal for...
Hey @Scalenex, did you edit the original post to reflect the new deadline, or is it now May 14th?
He usually runs a unit of three Vargheists, who can fly and have 12” movement. That said, they still can’t approach within 3” of the Balewind...
Another thing to consider. Many missions involving holding objectives state that the objective is still controlled by the most recent army to have...