The next month will be a 2.000 points tourney (without any kind of limitation) so I'm trying to prepare a decent list to win against every other...
Well in my opinion a scar vet works better with Helberd against ogres (you have usually highter I stat, 3 vs 2, and hit at strenght 6, i.e. 2+...
I have tryied this combo, it's funny (but not a must nor pro), usefull most of all against strong magic defense. You need 2 wizards (level doesn't...
he need a 1+ AS re-rollable and a 6+ WS to suffers only 2,5 wounds; so I suppose: Scaly Skin (5+) + Gambler's Armour + Coldone + Downstone...
good to know because I did not know, I will check again the rules. Probably I'll chose Lore of Life. So: 1) Slann: focus of mistery, rumination,...
I will have to play 5 or 6 times in 2 days, for my slann I will chose more than one lore (most of time life, but even light, death and shadow have...
Greeting, as you can guess from the title I want to create a good list to play competition, since I have played just 4 games in 8Th edition I'm...
Non winner and no loser -_-" but first things first: my purpose was to go in CC with Saurus and TG asap, and to kill enemy characters with my...
Done, I hope to report the battle as soon as possible (tie :( ). Thaks to all.
only infantry gain an extra attack from double hand weapon. I suggest fencer + bane head + light armour (to kill enemy heroes)
About champions: i want to try their usefulness in units without character (or characters), usually i play my saurus unit with a scar vet in. I...
you can use Jaguar charm to make him fly, no? I'd like to use my veteran in this fashion: BsB, cold one and light armour to give him Armour Save...
Suggested Changes II: General: Slann Mage-Priest with Cupped Hands, Curse-charm, Focus of Mystery (Lore of Death), Rumination, Becalming...
I fear 4°level wizards with lore of shadow and book (which let him cast spells with irresistible force with every double, not only 6) put in the...
Hi every one, I'm a new by of this forum and I want your opinion about a possible army list to fight against some very-fast-pointed-hears-bastards...