I think you are going to find rather quickly that your skink priest is going to die, often, to small shooting. 1/3 of all hits hit him, and the...
It would be my opinion that there is no such thing as a wounded Saurus. They are spawned to fight, and that is their only purpose, so a missing...
The Carn Lord I run is armor of Destiny, Burning Blade, dawnstone, and potion of speed. I like the burning blade over the great weapon venom...
How did the Alamo go? I scored highest points for any lizardman player at Northstar, good old Carn did some great damage, and my skink priests...
I think the original question is why do people hate playing against the slann, and if you take the lore of life, the reason is that it its boring...
I also prefer the carn (more fun to get in someone's face and bite them than to hover on your rascal in the back and toss spells). I am taking one...
I was told that TLOS was inacted when a higher up in GW went to a gaming store and was watching a match of 40k. He saw that a unit was going to...
I think that the lack of scaling is intended, as it makes sense logically in fluff anyways. You are rolling to see how magic magical winds is in...
I believe the shield just works for him. I had another question though: His shield counts as an obstacle, and a cannon hitting and obstacle stops,...
I apologize, I see that I have offended you and your min maxing. Anecdotal evidence can be proved, it is called Rankings HQ.com. And it isn't...
The spirit of the game is more than taking the nastiest lists against eachother, that is what 'ard boyz is for. I have friends that play Skaven...
I agree that a Slann is more powerful, far more. I assume that he will get comp slapped up the wazzu if you give him rumination, focus of mystery,...
The elven bolt throwers were terribly nerfed in this edition, due to their reduction in wounds and no longer being immune to poison. I do run...
Honestly I think that besides many of the great posts (spawnings, krox, lores) that the only issue lizards really have is dealing with siege...
Hey guys, It's been some time since I have posted (finished that steg, will post pics when I can). So recently, since eighth ed came out, I...
I have a friend who is thinning his armies to focus on one. One of the armies he is selling is about 2k of lizards. They are the older models, but...
There is also a lovely little rule which allows multiwound causing hits to splash on multiwound targets. Example: You attack a group of ogre...
This conversation is in vain as you cannot target the steam tank with any spell that does not have a given strength. At least, that is what i had...
No, I have been in the hobby for about a year and a half now, but this is my first serious painting attempt. i received a 44 out of 80 at the last...
Hanging heads from the saddle is fine, but I would leave the jaw alone. What I did to mount the cold one riders to Dark elf cold ones was take a...