For me, it is just a block of good ol' Saurus. n my last tourney, they stood against a dragon prince charge for 4 turns, then finally wiped out...
Perhaps this is just a rant, but why didn't they give Mazdamundi a spell simillar to what he is doing in his image on page 63? Unless that is the...
Hey guys, is anyone willing to sell chameleon skinks or terradons in the US MIdwest? I am looking for the latest models, but will take the...
The problem with Vamp hunting is that he bunkers them, so if the saurus hero doesn't kill it first turn, he will auto break and die. Even if he is...
I have tried using an EotG many times against them, and they know it hurts, therefore they pick on it alot. It generally gets either zombie tar...
I am going into my first big tourney in a few months and wrote up this list after getting trounced by my friends, whom, of course, play vampires...
He took lots of clanrats, five rattling guns, a warpfire thrower, two cannons, some rat ogres, a bell unit, two engineers, and some globadiers....
Hey guys, just wanted to post that I beat a skaven player today. He surrendered by 5th turn. In a 2250 battle, he managed to score 42 points. He...
On the off chance that they forgot, like the warpfire throwers and such, are the burning alignment's hits flaming?
I realize this is cheap beyond all cheap, but can I put a skink chief with a javelin in th eback of a unit of SS with blowpipes, so that when a...
The skink screen never works as they end up decimating me in combat and just running through
Alright, I have come to terms with the fact that even though he is atop a ten foot dinosaur with others ahead of him, he can be challeneged....
Here's the deal with that last combo: The GuO has a flail, meaning strength 8 the first round. That breaks your armor to 5+. So all those...
BoR on the Vargulf. It will die.
I faced a GuO last night. Did five wounds with a barrage of skink darts, though that was his fault for bringing Epidemus. Then, my Carnosaur...
Wow, that is awesome Pixelsponge. Do You prefer th eold CoC or just don't find it worth getting the new ones?
I was just wondering what sort of themed LM armies you guys have. Cities? Spawnings? Just wanted to start a thread for discussing and sharing...
Hey guys, this is my new combat army 2250 points. Let me know what you think; I feel that it is pretty standard. Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur,...
Challenging a GuO Alright, so I have been thinking on challenging one of these guys as a way to hold them for static combat wins. With their...