Let's just say the GuO's initiative is 4x that of a Saurus's. Pit of shades could maybe work, but since it can be upgraded to alvl 4 wizard, and I...
Yeah, Sorry about that. I assumed that since I wrote the information myself, and didn't copy paste, it was fine to post. That is a bit difficult...
Mine are blue with grey scales.
I see nothing about immune to poison in the daemon Codex. he is however as follows: Removed ~ Sammy Poison could work, but t has the Daemon ward...
I have a bit of experience fighting Lords of Change. They have toughness 6, Strenth 6, Movement 8, WS 6, BS 4, Initiative 5, Wounds 6, Attacks 5,...
Any ideas? They can out muscle saurus, and even put up against Stegadons sometimes. Skinks have troubles with the armor, and their magic can be...
Yeah, but wth weapon skill 3, he usually fails in combat against heroes. Sigh.
Its very useful. I have jammed my opponent (Lord of change or High elf Lord) over and over with it. It is a great way to shut down enemy magic; it...
Sadly, you can't mix weapons in a unit (unless you have special rules like the Beastmen). The saurus already get two attacks each, and they are...
Played the Daemon player again. I switched up the list, taking Chakax out for more skinks. Another win by Massacre. Skulltaker fell to magic and...
Hey everyone, I have been playing the scalies for about two years now, but I'm still learning the rules. My friends that I play against tend to...
I have a friend who plays daemons and has been challenging me alot lately. Recently, we had a battle of 2250 a side. I tried an odd list against...
Just a few more things to clear up with the EotG: 1- The engine can be activated even when the stegadon is in close combat: yes or no? 2-...