I personally own 2, I used to have a 3rd but it was unbuilt so I traded it away, and yes I love them and include at least one in most of my WoC...
I agree, or have the marks also give them a negative like a drop to their weaponskill kind of like how plaguebearers have WS3 and bloodletters...
Here you go Mathammer Grudge Match by request 20x Nurgle Warriors w/halberds 5 wide to remove steadfast 33x Saurus Warriors w/hand weapons 7...
Most everyone is going to be running 5-6 wide for that very reason, and if I think I'm going to lose by more than 4 points I form up to maintain...
The ironfist is a shield that allows parry saves even when mounted, it is not an additional hand weapon, those are two seperate options that...
So without adding in characters, which of course we can include as long as we add in our characters as well. we have the following matchup,...
I am not a fan of spears with saurus, I find that with striking last saurus usually don't have an extra rank to use spears with, or if they do it...
I did not forget the ward save, witch elves do not come with one, but since they are usually fielded with a cauldron and you asked about adding...
Someone please speak up if my mathammer is wrong but here is a pro to running horde formation saurus, which is something I love to do as anyone...
Yes I believe saurus warriors are better than witch elves and savage orc big uns, I don't think they will win in a straight up fight against...
In my experience which has been quite often against the small vermin I have found the following to always be incredibly useful 1) If you bring a...
It doesn't add +1 to your cast but instead lowers the casting value by 1, but you are correct in that his roll of a 9 would then be successful,...
@ lizard_sNow - Both, but due to saurus T volley fire does almost nothing as well. you hit with 3, wound with 1 or 2 and those could be saved....
The DE list is earlier in this thread, turns out they couldn't easily puncture anything. The single mistake that was made was thinking that the...
No the Saurus spanned the entire board with only 1" between each unit or impassable terrain, which was their entire strategy and it was carried...
Excellent points and I would like to address them as most were already considered during the match 1) Targeting two units with magic/shooting, 1...
Sadly your slann is going to die in the 1st round of combat with him, he can direct 10 attacks that need 3's and then wound auto, you have 6-7 you...
Ok so both my brother and I will be making a Lizardmen list with no Slann and taking turns playing against the Dark Elf list and a WoC list as...
Excellent, I think that is a great example of a list most would think of as highly competitive. I will of course use Lizardmen since we are seen...
I've played local tournaments off and on and different gaming groups in different states (Im in the US military so I move often) the most...