I would love to get 2-3 sets of these, my email is toblakai84@gmail.com send me an email with your paypal and I can send you my donation to keep...
Ok so the problem is how to kill him using less points that he costs right? As long as we keep that balance then we can assume the rest of our...
So I'm curious how many of the people who voted actually own and have played at least 3 games with the full end times rules? As it stands I'm...
Please check me if I am wrong with a pg number of the relevant book, but isn't the Slann "Placed" in the 2nd rank in deployment and not stipulated...
I was wondering if anyone has tried Sveljirs Hex Scroll with the Blood Statuette of Spite? It would give you a pretty sure kill against any lv 2...
that is true until the skink on steg joins your CoC unit, then every model in the unit benefits from both frenzy and hatred. You could of course...
I don't see where they would break the 2nd round of combat, you will still have your 15 S4 attacks which is the same as 5 wide 3 deep saurus with...
I think you mean WS-10, +1 attack. My favorite combo for fencing blades is the glittering scales and dawnstone on olblood.
Actually just like every other magic item the "skink only" description tells you who can select it not who it affects, same as "model on foot",...
My bro plays skaven and this is what I like to make him deal with. 10 cold one riders 5 wide Champion Standard bearer: Huanchi's blessed totem...