Thanks for all the tips. I was hoping to not have to tailor my list around beating my friend but it looks like I don't have a choice. You've given...
What's more normal to play at, 2500 or 2400?
I've been looking into fielding a Skrox unit, but is really dropping my Saurus viable?
Slaan Cupped hands, rumination, becalming cogitation, lore master and life 20 TG, 30 Saurus, 10 Skink Skirms w/ Skink priest (dispell scroll) and...
I say we should have to cut the heart out of a skaven as part of the registration process.
I have yet to beat my friend who plays OK. For awhile I was building an all comers list because I didn't want to tailor my list to beat his...
Are all Forest and bodies of water considered dangerous terrain when passing through? I can't find it in the rule book. I can find dangerous...
That stupid color image thing is hard for people who aren't color blind so don't feel bad. :)
Yeah, that would be better. It's really terrible wording.
Then wouldn't it be better labeled as a Magic Missle?
Yeah, I got it from a web comic called 8-Bit theater. The series went on for nearly 5 years and just wrapped up 2 years ago.
About two weeks ago my VC friend tried to cast The Penumbral Pendulum on me. Now the issue came up on if he could aim it or not... we rolled off...
I was freaking out there, way to make me tear through my book looking for some little side note on the edge of a page saying that. :p
Wait it adds +1 to everything in range? I've been playing that you only get the +1 for the combat that the BSB is in.... do you have a pg #?
I have the same problem if I have to put in my PW again. The first time you try and log in it doesn't prompt you for the Caphca, then when it...
This is terrible news. I'm due to deploy to the middle east in a few months and I was planning on having models shipped to me. :(
Fluff wise LM and Skaven are arch enemies.
We sort of do the same thing. We assume all forests are made of a solid wall of tree's so that you can hide behind them and we ignore unit height...
They need to get rid of Stupidity on them and either reduce the cost or buff them.