Now I know you can't intentionally fire at an enemy in combat. However would it be legal, per BRB rules, to declare a target that is on the other...
Can you hit your own units with the flame template? I overshot yesterday and the template landed on a group of Skink Skirmishers. We played it...
I use Spears on my Saurus. You need to remember that you don't get the rank bonus if you charge. I'm going to switch to HW because the Saurus are...
Is it issue 381? If so I'll pick one up off the GWS site.
I've found 8 to be a good number. Since you have to deploy them +12" away you can either march to put them with in 6" and take that penalty or you...
No there was essentially an online version of the table top game.
I saw a post somewhere about a website that let you play WHF online. I'm going to deploy soon and some friends and I were looking for something...
I just picked up Dread Fleet and I was wondering if anyone knew of some resources to check out as far as painting tips go for them? The models...
The only time he gets it off is from IF, I've dispelled it up until then. I'm looking to take Becalming Cogitation from now on along with...
The last two times I've played my VC friend he's won by using purple sun on me. I dispell it when he doesn't IF but given enough chances he...
I've been using Life at 1500 points but I'd like to use Light at 2500. I tried Life once at 1500 and I didn't get Speed of Light or Timewarp so it...
The reason for the Sword of Might is I have a severe lack of magic weapons and when I play against my VC friend, whom I play alot, his Ethereal...
Since the Halbred is a 2h weapon do you get the shield armor save in CC still? Since their items are listed as Halbred, Shield, Hand Weapon, and...
General: Slaan Cupped Hands Feedback Scroll BSB The Focused Rumination The Focus of Mystery Hero: Scar Vet Burning Blade of Chotec Enchanted...
Re: Godel's Painting Log I've been watching for one of those Slaan's on ebay... still no luck. :(
I would second this. Since you can't "blob" the skirmishers they get sort of unruly in their large formations.
This will probably answer your questions about Jav vs Blowpipe.
When shooting with Skinks and you choose to do 2 shots the rules say you take a -1 penalty to hit. Now does that apply to the first and second...
Typically if I'm having a raised area, such as the scales on a lizard, a lighter color should I paint that prior to washing the cracks with a...
I like the colors but it's hard to make out any detail with that pic. A. Do you have a close up? B. Is that fish plants on the base?