That's what I thought but sometimes it seems like the GWS rules are kind of draconian.
With the 8th Ed. rules the classes of units are allocated based off of %. If I'm playing a 1500 point game and my lords can be up to 25% is that...
I got a chance to get 4 games in last week against my buddy who plays VC. It was the chance I really needed to practice basic Warhammer skills and...
Love them all.
I forgot my password and I've tried to reset it but the one I get emailed to me doesn't work. Any help would be great.
My two Sallies killed off about 20 Ghouls in 1 round last week. I'm really loving them now. :)
When my Salamander gets charges do my Skink Handlers get to attack in CC? The rule book says they must form up in the 2nd rank so I'm not sure.
Love it.
I assume lore selection only then really applies to Tourney play? I guess it's an etiquette question. When playing just friendly games do you let...
I love the Treeman.
Should the two salamanders be run together or seperate?
When only running 2 Salamanders should I keep them as seperate units or grouped? It seems like grouping them, especially against Ogres, would be...
I'm about to jump from 1k to 1500 with some friends. This is my list, let me know what you think. General/Lord Slaan w/ Cupped Hands, BSB,...
I missed that. I did have 2 Salamanders. I had them seperate. OK went first and was able to attack and panic 1 sallie from his Lead Belcher...
I missed the vote but honestly most photo's weren't very good. The lighting and angles didn't show the detail of the models, other than the DE and...
I’ve now played 2 games of Warhammer Fantasy, and lost both miserably. I’ve played against Vampire Counts (which was a decent game) and Saturday...
True but that doesn't mean they see HE’s as necessarily better than DE’s. The bottom line is that Lizardmen believe they are exacting the will of...
Or it could simply be that they feared the destruction of the site.
So kinda like bait? Lead with my Skinks and if the enemy charges them move in with the Saurus?