what exactly was the great dessert of Khemri? Maybe I could have one too... Sorry - couldn't resist!
I'm not happy with the paintjob but just wanted to share the first of three old terradons rebuilt with new skinks. Hope you like the build.
well I like them! Could you post a couple of close up pics of a single one? I'd like to see the conversions in a bit more detail. I like the...
Better now? And also my new desert poison skink (prototype, the rest of the unit is currently being done): And finally my new commando skinks:...
thanks. the green doesn't come out on the photos as it does in real life, but you're right, it needs highlighting. I just haven't thought about...
next time I will do a better job! I'll just take my camera with me. Also, I just realised I failed to mention a vital fact in this particular...
OK, I understand. I was thinking of making pictures like I've seen online, might be a nice way of documenting battles... In this case it was...
I played a lot of magic just after Unlimited came out and stopped just after Ice Age. I was playing a lot of tournaments in 1995 and 1996 and...
Hey, I started a new topic because of all the pics: I've just finished my Scar Vet. I got an old model of a cold one off Ebay and tried my hand...
His grey seer was in a slightly different spot because he wanted to have a line of sight to almost all of my units. I reckon it was a major...
So I played my first 2000 points game yesterday - finally gave me a chance to use my Slann! Here's a rough overview of the list: 2nd Lvl Slann...
Hi, I haven't been able to find an answer yet: In the Lizardman book it states that Slann can choose from any Magic Lore. Does that mean...
What happens when lizardmen fanatics go to the beach (Italy)? See for yourself: Sandcastle? BORING! ZIGGURAT! Or this:
Yeah, basically I just took them from various Saurus sprues. Dead easy, really.
OK, so I couldn't wait - here's some more. I'd just like to add again that I am totally new to this - I know these are just not that good yet. I...
I'd just like to add that I hope everybody appreciates that I am making sure the future of the hobby stays alive! My son decided today that he...
yeah, unfortunately the lighting was bad while I made the pics. I need to make some more pics anyway, I'll post them later. I didn't use basecoats...
These are just the first few. I'll make some more pics asap. The background is one part of the modular board I'm building, my Ziggurat should be...
Hi, I'm new to WH and therefore Lizardmen - I was going to go for Dwarves (I've been gaming for nearly 20 years and have always loved the little...
Hi everybody, first post for me - just had to add my 2 bits... The chameleon skink models have poison dart frogs attached to them on which they...