Well, I've used it in some practice games before the tournament and it went quite well (wins against ogre kingdoms, warriors of chaos, orcs,...
Re: My scratch slann (just palanquin by now) Nah... They are going to be tempranillo grapes to make Rioja wine :)
Really, the death slann has no problem with surviving. It may die, but it has 5 wounds and a ward save of 4+, so you just have to try your luck...
Well, I'll post my standard 2500 points tourney lists. Criticism and feedback always welcome. - Slann + Focus of mistery + Focused Rumination +...
So, after watching some pics of the slann of Lord Tsunami and his concept of Throne of Vines, and because I needed a second slann (I play 2 slanns...
Well, I'm a spanish boy of 27 and i play warhammer, specifically Lizardmen in Fantasy and Tau, Sisters of Battle (not now, I hate the new...