is the loremaster worth not taking the battlestandard?
I know I said I would appreciate your thoughts, but I would also appreciate you putting those thoughts in the form of a post. ;)
I may be wrong in saying this, but I don't think that a 30 man unit of Saurus needs stubborn, as they 'should' (How many Savage Orks did he take?)...
I am constructing my first 1500 points list for an upcoming tournament, and this is what I came up with: Slann w/ focused Rumination, cupped...
This is my list for an upcoming escalation tournament starting at 650 points. The requirements at this points level is at least one core and...
I just realized that the list i took is 750 pts, not 650. :( I feel bad now.
I faced Brettonians who had a unit of questing knights and a unit of knights errant (I can't remember how many he had of either, but thats not the...
thanks guys, I'm going to play it the right way now that i know this.
My friends and I came up with a houserule because of confusion that a challenge and combat have special situations. for example: My saurus units...
My friend who plays bretonnians is proxying 2 trebuchets, so i figure he wont mind if i proxy a salamander or 2. i notice that in 2 of the last 3...
ok, so i've been getting torn up by all sorts of heavy cavalry (bretonnians and empire knights, both regular and questing knight equivalents). my...
i won against the empire guy, and i had replaced the spears with the plaque of tepok. my saurus got cremed by his knights though...
razor standard plus halberds and s4 means -3 to armor saves so they can kill armored guys. although, you should try to keep the slann out of...
so i've gotten the idea of the rules changes in 8th edition, and im itching to play a battle! i will play against Empire very soon, and...
well, after checking the fluff in the 8th edition rulebook, Lizardmen do use the geomantic web to get their armies across the world to fight those...
Use Gor-Rok, but dont put him in a saurus unit. the bretonnian guy doesn't have archers, so he should be ok. get the knights to charge him so...
Gor-rok is good depending on your opponent. he can take a full-on cavalry charge and send the knights running for their lives! but thats because...
i know, but can the regular stegadon be effective? against brettonian knights and their 3 wide ranks i would imagine the giant bow would be at...
the lizards could keep going north until they get to the northern wastes, where chaos is strong, but there would be no sun and lizardmen are...
At the end of the lizardmen fluff in the army book Mazdamundi declares that all chaos must be eradicated from the world. So i was thinking, do...