I love the quilted effect of the banner! Nice stuff! --DF2K
Purple marks and scales signifies the touch of the Old One Tepok. According to my fluff my army is a sacred host so they'll all be marked thusly....
I totally agree. I tried drybrushing to keep it darker and it looks the same as the water. I need to lighten it up a ton. --DF2K
The watery parts are 'Ard Coat. Works fairly well. --DF2K
So I did what everyone else around here seems to do. Take one skink and paint him up to test it out. Normally I don't like standard color...
Need help with a simple technique to make a swampish base for my lizardmen. In particular I'm looking for a way to get a nice water-effect on my...
...American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Gotta say, "Wow." It's very hard to put this thing down. --DF2K
I think I'm gonna try the headless Steg-cycle. Thanks for the replies! --DF2K
Alrighty, so I got the old 6th Ed. Army Box Set (the one with 2 saurus boxes, a skink box, old krox's, a skink priest, a unique standard bearer,...
If you have a pin-vice you can purposefully break the staff and pin it back in the correct position. If it's not too small, that is.
I'm about to go to my LGS later today and pick up the Stegadon model. It's the first big model I've painted. So far everything else I've done is...
Anyone have any big plans for the holidays? Going anywhere or having anyone come to you? It's the second Christmas I'm celebrating with my wife....
Fat Tire! A microbrew made in Colorado. Due to some dumb trade/marketing law I don't fully understand, it wasn't allowed in my state (South...
We may be getting crappy weather tomorrow as well. I wouldn't mind, because that means we don't get to go visit my inlaws in Minnesota, oh shoot...
Thanks! It was also my first time using static grass. --DF2K
Here goes, my first attempt at putting together a terrain piece. I use the 'Nid terrain bits from the Battle for MacCragge box set. I give you,...
Thanks! Since Tepok is one of the Old Ones of knowledge and foresight, I figured it wouldn't be TOO cheesy to have a hatchery in the city grounds,...
Alrighty, I plan on starting an army touched by the Old One Tepok. For colours, I'd like the lizardmen to have gray bellies that fade into blue...
I made a blog for the fluff for my army. I'm creating my own city, a lost City-Temple in the Old World, within the boundaries of the Empire. This...
I'm thinkin' something right in the middle of Bretonnia or the Empire or something that is unexpected. The temple-cities used to be everywhere, so...