Thank you :)
Got to ask, what is it that makes the unit immune to Stomps? The Krox are immune yes, but why does that transfer to the squishies? /Z
THANK YOU! I did not realize this untill now! This is awesome, i can field both a Slann and EotG in the same army, must try! :D /Z
I am fairly certain that there is no "Lord" and no "Hero" pool, there is only Character pool. up to 25% Chars, min. 25% Core, up to 50% Special,...
Any chance for some higher resolution pictures? Its hard to see your details mate. But i like the idea, of a true terror inflicting monster,...
Im not sure but this product: Particulary the "Tuft" i use myself, and it is looking...
Sounds like something i actually might try, need to produce like a gazilion skinks.
I am fairly certain that when you interpret "Free" i read: Do not count against 15% rule. This means the Carni aint free, just taken from the...
You sir are a genius! BSB can only carry standard unless he is a Slann. And i already got the Skink with the Diadem. :)
Thanks for all the feedback! Notice that due to general limitations on the rulebook, a 1500 pts. army can only have 25% Chars. The rule i posted...
Ok, ive come up with this build. Any thoughts? Char: ScarVet Light Armour Charm of the JW Enchanted Shield Biting Blade ScarVet BSB Light...
My points exactly. If you read the limitations, as i do it at least. 15% of 1500 pts. is 225 pts. So 25 Saurus + Full cmd. is a no go? (cause of...
Dear All, I recieved an invitation for a tournament with the following limitations. Can you perhaps give some advice if its possible to make a...
Thanks for your comments on the slann, i think it looks better IRL than on photos, also, that (dont ask me why i did that) was taken with flash...
Thanks for the advice! expecially about storing in my freezer!
Hi All, I need some advice/help/assistance/elaboration. Been seeing some of you guys pretty impressive work with green stuff, making virtually...
How did you get the skinks from breen/blue to the dark? Care to elaborate the texhnique? Thanks :) I really like the skinks you did!
Not bad advice! I think i might take you up on that! Was thinking about doing something to the scales on the before mentioned skinks too, i think...
Thanks for the comments. I must admit this army goes way back.... But it's just recently that i realized my army was looking really dull and...
Hiya guys, I've been looking through this forum for some time, decided to make a profile and show some of my Lizards, i'm hoping for some...