Been forever since I posted here, been very busy with school and such. I've been going over the list again in the past few weeks, since I plan on...
Sword of the Hornet is a possibility, but I'd like to stick with the Bane Head if possible. Causing each wound to double at this points level is...
Hey, all. I'm in the process of coming up with a small 500pt list for a mini-campaign that's taking place in January, and I'm rather stuck on a...
Changed a bunch of stuff around. Slann now has the Bane Head in addition to Cupped Hands, and replaced all the magic items on my Priest with a...
So, I'm pretty much new to Fantasy, having been sucked into the hoopla that surrounded 8th edition. I've picked up my BRB, and after looking...
Greetings! I'm a new tabletop gamer, having only been into the hobby since last summer. I mainly play 40k, but with all the bruhaha surrounding...