A musician is always good. Braves are completely and utterly useless in almost any LM unit unless you want to protect a hero from a challenge. The...
Eternity warden speaks of death and death stalks his words. Vote: Eternity Warden
There are loads and loads of threads on here about this. A selection (only spent 2 minutes looking):...
Wapp I used your tip of mixing in some of the GW washes with the thinned layers for blending and just wow, it helps SO much. I was considering...
16/216 chance of double ones, so roughly 7.4%. Did that in my head right now, am feeling really clever about myself.
The points for your slann and skink priest are both wrong, they should be 420 and 430 respectively. I will one day try a slann and saurus infantry...
What on earth is all this sudden signature quotation love-in going on? Good joke though, good joke...
Wood elves rarely are magic heavy enough to make plaque of dominion (the wizard stupidity in sight banner) worthwhile. I do love discard 6's though.
Yeah I was just thinking the same. ps: just did a bit of juicing up of my own post :D pps: nice use of blending in my sig?
But if the character casts the spell does the unit cast the spell? I do think you are probably right, but I'd have a tough time arguing it if my...
I'm not 100% sure that portent of far works for spells cast by the slann. It would be incredible if it did. It says that it rerolls 1's to hit or...
Priest - EotG, Lvl 2, Rod of the Storm, DS Scar Vet - BSB, CO, Enchanted Shield, Burning Blade of Chotec Scar Vet - LA, Sh, GW, Jaguar Charm 10...
You'll want to have the saurus characters in units. Where will they go, with the krox?
That's all you need for 2k, I myself am aiming for 20 skirmishers, 20 ranked, 6 terradons and 1 or possibly 2 salamanders as well as an engine, so...
First some questions. Must everything from one round be kept till the next? Can troops and, more importantly, heroes be upgraded in such a major...
*Dumbledore, talented magician and headmaster of small school in Hochland, suddenly wakes from the feverish dreams that have gripped him since...
I disagree with thesecondman a fair bit but the overall impression is right. 15 or 18 saurus would both work, I don't think it makes a massive...
I just did pretty much exactly that last night... just waiting for it to harden. I think its better to use milliput than green stuff as it's...
I'd get rid of both saurus units and replace them with like three units of 10 ranked skinks and three units of terradons. You don't need anvils,...
make sure your saurus have spears