Look at you all getting your knickers in a twist! Snowy you do have a point that what he said was out of order but then... well... hypocrisy. You...
Yeah I could do with this too!
I agree with barotok, I was going to type up something like all that but was too tired (got swine flu). Basically I disagree with nearly...
rofl donkey he means anvil as in the "hammer and anvil" tactic
I really hate massive skrox units, the skinks are just asking to give them free CR
cant have a magic banner and a magic item (horned one) unless slann, plus that is a madly expensive unit
Yup, the skinks, the stegadon, the skink chief, the cold ones and the cold one riders get an extra attack each (and hatred if you're fighting...
Skrox is a poor poor choice imo... Who cares about frenzied skinks, they will still die faster than they kill. Much better is a frenzied stegadon...
It's there simply to give you more options. Many people would rather have a WYSIWYG model for an old blood with a weapon and shield rather than...
Post your army list in full detail for us when you're ready. I'd advise laying off all special characters. Personally I'd use metal, but life...
I play chaos with knights 2/3 of the time ^^ In fact, every army I play or have the potential of playing (ie armies that people I know have - I'm...
Wrong, it causes D6 hits, at strength 4, not what you thought.
Re: Skink Skirmisher FAQ and Index 13 is a far more optimal unit size than 12 as it requires one more to die before panicking. Cold blooded makes...
Exactly what I said and think, but told much more forcefully. As my main opponent is WOC I know the fear of chaos knights. Other armies such as...
Argh I'm talking nonsense. I meant to type "expectation is a useful tool to use, but..." Expectation is the calculation you just did, and the...
You should broaden your analysis snowywlf, expectation is a useful tool to use. Also consider the target. Eg for chaos knigts at 45points/knight...
I consider using it in games below 2000 points where I have little else that can reliably be used against chaos knights or things like that
Sounds like and Orcs and Goblins forum!
You definitely don't get two ranks of spears fighting on the charge, read the weapons page in the BRB p56 "stationary spearmen can fight in two...
Blue and gold (ie yellow/orange) are EXACTLY perfectly matching colours according to colour theory (just look at a spectrum), thats why GW made...