You can't have firefly venom and jaguar charm as they are both enchanted items. I would consider making one of your scar vets a BSB, maybe by...
I disagree completely with teknistmajjan. The saurus may be m4 but he has 3 m6 skink units and cold one riders and a stegadon for breaking....
The first place to look would be the miscast table entry for rolling a 2 :D "The wizard is annihilated and immediately removed as a casualty,...
You guys will have to correct me on this but I'm like 90% sure that soul of stone can't re-roll a roll of 2. If it could then soul of stone would...
I wouldn't go for soul of stone but rather cupped hands instead, especially after considering the FAQ. Diadem adds flexibility but is a waste on a...
Re: Dumbledore's Army (first week of painting) Thanks for the replies. I've just got a friend over from uni so it's been slow painting but I have...
10 temple guard with command should come to like 195 though, not 270?
If I remember correctly a BSB would actually help the skinks hold more than a 1LD boost (krox 7) from the general. The one concern with this list...
It may well be worth making the chief or the scar vet a BSB. I think a BSB is so worthwhile I even get one in 1k games. If I remember my...
They are different units with different rules so no, I'd 100% say that they can't.
Re: Dumbledore's Army (first week of painting) More is coming, don't worry. If you're new to the hobby as I was then the best thing to do is book...
Big skink krox units are no use against chaos warriors but small cheap units of skirmishers or ranked units (or the 11skink 1 krox unit) are...
looks like it could work. What armies might you be facing though? It may be worthwhile denying a flank with this army and going all down one side...
Re: 300 point club - June Submissions due July 7th! In the past month I've painted my 1k army of SV mounted (BBoC and Ench shield) BSB on foot...
I was shocked to hear something similar when I walked into my local GW in London (GW Diagon Ally shop ofc... nah jokes it was Oxford street). I...
4x3 saurus is a terrible idea cause you need 5 wide to get rank bonus, 6x2 is solid though as that is 24 attacks (presuming you're going spear...
I'm pretty sure that is way off. I did the math (I do a maths degree) and if i remember correctly it's a 23/216 chance of failing (ie ~10%). They...
Re: Dumbledore's Army (first week of painting) Yeaaah I can't wait to get them based and see them all on a board facing the enemy
Re: Dumbledore's Army (first week of painting) Ok I've nearly finished a bunch of stuff so here are some of my units. I may touch up my Chakax...
Re: Dumbledore's Army (first week of painting) Ok, I just bought and constructed an EotG and I must say whoever sculpted the model so that all...