For the shield! Black spray primer(the whole model), Zandri Dust, Reikland Flash and semi layer/drybrush of ushabti bone. Want to base it white...
Small update! For tomorrow, paint the underbelly, weapons and teeth/nails! Seraphon are fun to paint! Easy somehow compared to necrons! Haha...
Thanks for the reactions! All of you! No time to paint today but hope to make some headway tomorrow! Hmm, how can I make clearer that these are...
Allright! Got my test model finished, still doubting about the shield, might do one more tomorrow in the head color (caliban, warpstone and moot....
Aawh yis, got my spray today! Went home and sprayed them up! Forgot to greenstuff my troglodon, just add a coat of black tomorrow on that green!...
Yes, thank you! My plan, with the scar vet cold one and the 3 knights charge in. The really big scary dudes are for the carnosaur and the trog is...
Hello all! Long time ago I posted a Lizardmen list, that is ancient now! Haha Sunday I bought a Seraphon starter kit, monday night I finished...
Hey guys, being a short time lurker for once! Idea of a small list with options to build it out. Any improvements? Heroes Saurus Scar-Veteran...