I'm SO CLOSE to finishing my list in spectacular noob-like fashion. I'm new to Warhammer Fantasy (played 40K for a long time) and I'm making a...
I can't find Charmed Shield or Dawnstone in the army book. Is the info in the main rulebook?
Thanks again! :) Should I even bother upgrading a SW to a champion if a SV is riding with the unit? What's the best way to upgrade my unit of...
You guys are so helpful!! Would you run Chameleon Skinks in two units of 5? How many Salamanders does it take to be reliable? Two units of two?
I'm a old 40k player and I'm just starting to get into Warhammer. I don't have the rulebook yet but I got the army book to see if I would like...
Thanks for the corrections. I'll get the rules straight. No more replies expected.
You would be most awesome for sharing your insight/experience to make this list better, no matter how much you say. -- Need to know weaknesses and...