No matter how you look at it, this is RaW. Because "succesful cast" is stated as "beating the casting value, and not getting dispelled". RaI,...
Remember: Chiefs are useful because they are so dirt cheap. If you kit them out too much, they will no longer serve their purpose. Egg is...
Nah, that sentence is perfectly clear. the only thing making it confusing is the Dark Acolyte FAQ they released, which actually states "After...
Which only increases the bonus, not the level. You don't get the additional spell. Also, lose 4 levels, and you are now unable to casts spells,...
My local group stills goes with "after dispel attempts", but I see the confusion some people has. The Dark Acolyte FAQ especially seems to mess...
Eh, we were two players who thought it made sense to use the ward save, no matter what the circumstances. it was the judge who ruled we...
Most can only increase the bonus to cast, and not actually increase the level. Though in effect, level 4 with +1 to cast and loremaster > level...
Well yeah, you can only use the shield when not in CC. But unlike Enchanted Shield which specifically says it counts your armour save as +2...
A standard slann can easily shut down Nagash in terms of crunch. I see no reason why Mazdamundi shouldn't be able to do the same, especially in...
My only issue with this reasoning is that it also means you can't use it to block a cannonball, which is pretty much my primary reason for ever...
I'm aware of this. I just never really saw the "ward save" as part of "using the shield". It just states you get a 2+ Ward save aggainst the first...
Had an odd issue yesterday. A bystander (unofficially the one playing the "judge"), decided to rule that Charmed Shield can't be used in cc when...
Only if he stores them up (IE. not using them during his previous turn), so it isn't necessarily a bad thing that he stores up 4 of those power dice.
Problem is, Exodus CAN'T mean "go to war", which is the problem people have with his "command". So basically, they are leaving Lustria to go......