My primary issue is that a lot of things seem arbitrarily priced, with no real thoughts aside from "I want these guys/this guy to be awesome and...
Karl Franz is evil?
They allow Saurus to restrain pursuit, which they normally have to. Furthermore, they are an insanely cheap character, very fit for holding up...
I honestly can't tell if I find this continued discussion hillarious or sad. There are aguments both ways, and unfortunately, neither is...
Not disproving your ideas, just expanding on them. If you want Horros, you are using a Slann and several priests, which is an expensive way of...
Horros is a no-brainer, but hard to get. You don't really want to rely on a "I might get this" spell, and beast slann isn't really worth it in my...
Armour piercing only reduces the armour by 1. Not all that impressive, honestly. Thought "wizard" just referred to someone casting a spell....
Re: Can a Saurus character wield Fencer's Blades on a Cold O Yeah, neither of those things are easy to convey through text alone :P My similarly...
Re: Can a Saurus character wield Fencer's Blades on a Cold O I... I can't tell if you are serious or not. I hope you are joking. I really do....
Not possible. Flyers can't join flyers. Without Killing Blow, I'm not sure what good they'll be against him. Though it does help them get into...
Since Killing Blow doesn't work against them, probably quite well. Or does being on a pegasus really not make them immune to that?
Doesn't matter anyway, because the entire unit will still take a hit before he gets a chance to leave. Fiery Convocation deals 34. Soul Quench...
Really? How is that abusive? That's an easy block to kill, especially for us. High Lore, Fiery Convocation, bam, you just killed a ton of them....
The only other real way is keeping him redirected (Which is almost impossible, so that's not really an option I suppose), or heavy artillery,...
Fairly sure the idea was to have a character bus available AFTER destroying his magic sword. We are fully aware of how insane Runefangs are, and a...
If you had read the quote in the message you quoted, you would have seen I didn't want Tiktaq'To to be the uber character (Much less the only...
It comes from their annual reports. They are on the stock market, and as such, they have to release an annual report describing how things are...
Warrior bane messes so hard with this guy if the enemy plans on healing him every turn. Thunderbolt is also dangerous for him, as d6 S6 +d6 S4...
I misunderstood your post then, sorry. Giving as much info as possible could be a good idea, but I agree with Lordkingcrow on keeping it as...
No. No it wouldn't.