Once again, I have to point out that Herohammer is impossible under the current rules. Even a super special awesome Chaos Lord worth a 1000 points...
Yeah, that would be far more awesome. The rule is pretty wonky in a lot of cases, mostly because it is written as a "This always happens, no...
"Far away" as in, 10+ is needed on your charge roll to succeed. You might get unlucky and manage the charge, but chances are you wont, especially...
Not sure if any such thing exists, but if anyone can feasibly trade spells with other casters, the wording really is "You get to keep both, and...
*Ahem* Sarus Oldblood - 575pts Light Armour and shield to ensure 1+ AS if/when thrown off his carno Potion of Strength - to ensure his hits hurt...
My problem with a list is that they might look at the tons of lists they get, and go "Nah, too much trouble". Considering how lazy they've been so...
Sounds right, if you could swap spells on Lord Kroak in the first place, which you can't. It requires the Telepathic Confabulations, which Kroak...
And yet we still don't have an FAQ after all this time. Despite just giving one to Wood elves.
1 use. So still no, not for that reason, at least. Trogs are mostly effective in a "MSU" army, where the enemy has tons of large, viable...
Remember the -1 penalty for shooting attacks. it makes them far more survivable than normal blocks at range, but worse in melee (because of no...
The response you get is just a standard mail. And as I said in the other thread, I'd actually prefer not getting an answer by mail. I'd much...
Make sure to add fencer blades as well for an almost certain 6+ to be hit :P
I'm hoping for "Strenght in numbers". If enough people email them, they might just react. I mean, they are obviously making FAQs, so they might...
Yeah, figured it out before I sent it. I'd make sure to underline the importance of having an actual FAQ released, rather than just the answer....
Just send a mail. Hoping I never get an answer, but instead a FAQ update on Black library. Unlikely, but one can hope. My problem with email...
You just need to remember it! :P my first game against the empire had seen 2 combat turns with ASF on my TG unit (Which was over after those 2...
3 dice with a level 1 skink priest at a casting value of 10 is about 74% chance of success. Throw in another dice, at it lands at about 95%...
I personally find zero benefits to comp systems. Especially since the mentality often seems to be "Lets houserule everything!" immediately...
You know what I find impressive? That people keep insisting that there is a clear-cut answer to this debate. The rules are poorly written, and...
Magic against a WE+CoB is mostly Save or die spells, which gives no saves, magic resistance or not. Dwellers is quite effective here....