So they waste 150 points shooting on a 70 points unit? 10 men against 10 men? So hitting on 3s, wounding on 3s, 6+ AS (with shields)... So they...
I think you are missing the point here. you aren't supposed to take 75% characers. But now you have the option of going full on lords, without any...
Regen? Why not T10? Or maybe both... both, both is good. It's also fun when people cannonball you, and they don't wound on 2+.
You are starting to sound like a broken record. "open terrain" have nothing attached to it. Everything is terrain, one way or another. Fanatics...
I'd try lookinng at his profile again if I were you. It isn't just +2 CR. My main issue with him, is that we can give it a 6+ ward on any...
WEs are fine because they die like flies when attacked. By anything - skink javs, skink melee, whatever. They might go first, and they might...
I was with you until this. Why on earth would you bring a discipline that allows you to reroll a failed DISPEL attempt, against an army that...
Other Tricksters Shard help against ward saves. I haven't been unfortunate enough to have encountered WoC, but it should still help. Although.....
Do note that some tournaments ban special characters, which includes tetto. It's pretty stupid, but unfortunatly true for a lot of tournaments....
Speaking of Tehen... He'd also get unbreakable if in a unit of jungle swarms (which he is still allowed to). He technically also gets the d6...
Unfortunately, dwarf gunlines are just boring in general to play against. I know 1 person who finds them okay, and that's a Wood Elf player....
Chameleons are a cheap and reliable way to deal with them as well. Best thing about them, is that the slow dwarves will either let them wreck...
That would be near impossible to deal with for some armies. I don't see WEs doing anything but redirect such a monster. Aside from magic,...
Ethereal Slann Battle Standard with War banner for +2 to combat res, and slap on the healing discipline and High/Life magic. Either make sure he...
Some banner to help its charges wouldn't be completely useless :) Though it's probably mostly useful with lots of bunkered up units (Saurus or...
"Gameplay could be better" is a pretty big understatement if you ask me... And i really want to love the guy :(
Not sure what the GW store does, because I don't play there. My local group has a local "judge panel" of a sort, and they ruled it as not being a...
Ah damn, I missed that clause on Transformation of Kadon... damn. I was already looking for a huge fire dragon sitting in a throne :( Still, a...
So, for unrelated reasons, I was reading through the FAQ when I stumbled upon this: "Q: If a model is transformed, for example by the...
Hadn't seen that one, but of course, it's also horrendously outdated and have seen an edition change... which sorta makes it of dubious use. I...