It's odd, I usually build the other way around. Say I want to make 2000 points. Before even starting to add up points or thinking percentages,...
This is dangerous reasoning. It assumes far too much with nothing to back it up. I have actually never heard of anyone claim "ranged/shooting"...
WE generally pack poison arrows somewhere, and unless you know where (which you honestly shouldn't before they shot, in which case it's likely too...
Lore of fire with fulminating cage on wild riders would be pretty fun. But I think you'd be missing out on way too many things in comparison to...
I'd probably say no, as that sounds a bit like an attempt at rulesbending. But as for RAW, I actually don't know, and GW probably doesn't...
Or 1 skink chief with egg, light armour, charmed shield, dragonbane gem and lustrian javelins 3 units of 10 skink cohorts with no upgrades 1 unit...
This is why I field so many Saurus Warriors :D
Something tells me, after actually reading it, that he was referring to leaving lustria and aiding the rest of the world against Chaos. The main...
If you have the points, yes. Both limits are still in place, so you need enough summoning points to buy them, and still can't exceed the usual...
No I wouldn't. That's a pretty fair point. Though Impact Hits sounds more like "slamming your body into the enemy with the force from the charge",...
So, we hit an odd spot yesterday during a game. The basics of what happened is: Oldblood with a Helm of Discord is fighting in a challenge with...
This is oh so very wrong. Auto look out sir and standing in the second rank isn't just for show.
This is pretty much all they are good for against elves. If they manage to kill something, that's just great, but in the end, their primary...
It even goes the other way as well - they dedicate TWO paragraphs to explain that no unit can join a flying character, and also that no character...
The unbreakable rule and putting characters in there is... dubious at best, and feels like rulesbending to me. Either way, I ran him anyway...
You didn't mention your skink, so i thought i'd ask - did you remember that you can cast your slanns spells through the skink priest? It's a...
Hey, I know a lot of people ban SCs. My previous group did as well, and for 40k rather than fantasy, which is completely absurd. I still find it...
Not really. It's limiting you official army book. Saying they "have a heavy impact on the balance of the game" isn't a valid reason, because I can...
Kroak is the exception. His rules specify he only knows one spell(Deliverance of Itza, to be exact). So no Lore of Undeath for him. Though his...
Yeah, they are both enchanted items. Still cheap, and gives me the chance to add additional damage. That, or I just couple it with a Saurus...