And cheap too! Just take note that their statline is pretty much that of an Elf without ASF. He's an assassin, and that's important to remember....
Odd they decided to make him ASL and grant the enemy ASL instead. ASF would at least have ensured he struck at the same time. The current rules...
I've tried the special characters we have available at least once, because I wanted to give them a shot and see what they can do. Most of them...
This is always good, especially against Chaos where s7 really helps against their really good armour. It is also worth noting that you CAN have...
My local group has the opinion that disallowing SCs is the equivalent of disallowing specific units. The written "rules of play" we have says, and...
This is why dwarves is my least favorite. Gunlines are boring and uninteresting, and when I finally it CC, it just feels like I'm banging two...
It's just a general rule - rippers are EXCEPTIONALLY dangerous on the flanks, but against something like knights, who often rely heavily on...
What is the oldbloods preferred target? If that target has S7 or more, dawnstone starts to pale quite a bit, and with piranha blade, you are...
Of course. And it's a price you have to py. But I'd personally rather pay 230 points for a skink priest with the exact loadout that tetto has,...
And a GW Scar Vet with S7 reduces 1+ AS to 5+, with armour piercing (from, say, a banner) that's now 6+. Strenght is always better than armour...
I'd say no, since special rules don't stack unless otherwise stated. Frenzy, for example, doesn't add more aattacks / rerolls on succesful...
One thing i truly hope for, is more like marks of chaos for everyone in general. Something to spice things up a bit. Not necesarily much, just a...
People still debate whether this is true or not. I'd still say it is, because it just says it allows the frenzy to add 11d3 instead of the usual 1...
Check the FAQ from black library on the warhammer rulebook. On a tablet right now, so I can't copy it down for you. Especially since tis site...
Unmodified means modified in GWs dictionary. It basically only means you can't use leadership from other units, like through IP.
So is your slann with banner of discipline.
It's always about choosing your battles. Sure, they wont stand up to elites - but then, no core will. White Lions will eat pretty much any core...
I'd call this debatable. I'm fairly sure the average result changes significantly from 2d6 to 4d6 drop highest and lowest. I can't do the math...
Don't use simulations, but instead focus on "estimates", IE the actual, statistical chance of it happening.
I'd probably use things like Stegadons, or straight up magic. To my knowledge, the Death Lore's signature should make quick work of iti. Or, you...