It might look better at first glace, but I tend to think the undead rule is much more hindrence than helpfull (for monsters at least). Sure they...
If you run a life slann and are worried about power dice, make sure to grab the forbidden rod. The life slann can just take the wounds from the...
I have found that the High Elves have troubles against skinks. All their units will be striking first and re-rolling misses. This means small...
In the newest Lizardmen FAQ: "Q: Can a Slann ride on a Magic Carpet? (p43) A: No. Whilst the Slann is an infantry model he specifically is not on...
Just want to point out that a certain toad's unit type is infantry and is therefore classified as "on foot" :P More to the point however, if I...
In the previous edition it specified character on foot. This edition it does not specify on foot. This to me means that Games Workshop made the...