GW Kroxigors are $52 for a box of three ($17.33 each), and the finecast they are made of is a far inferior quality of resin. My figures from...
By all means paint the pupils looking forward on yours and post some photos :)
I see what you mean - the guy with the club looks like he's eyeing the skink drummer rather menacingly... :D
I plan to do a third (maybe even a 4th), but will probably want to finish my salamander and finishing painting my Steggies first. All in good time :)
Re: Qupakoco's Cohorts Just ordered 50 Neodymium disc 1/8 inch X 1/16" rare earth magnets (3mm x 1.5mm) for a whopping $4.95 on eBay! With free...
Re: Qupakoco's Cohorts Great post, thanks! I'm facing the same issue right now and about to go looking for magnets on eBay...
Here is a photo that I took on the run this morning with my Droid camera-phone (not the best camera, sorry!) I wanted you guys to see my Crocs in...
These are plastic, actually. Wistrel, I think your comments are spot on, and thanks for the moral support. And to Old Mossy, and anyone else who...
If it's not too much to ask, would any of you be kind enough to respond to some of these haters ---->...
At long last, Chapterhouse Studios has these models for sale! Whoopee! Take a look:...
Of course you all realize that this is only o.k. when GW does it. If we did it back to them we'd be sued for copyright infringement <ducks!>...
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy! Love the artist's rendering - yellow and red, very...
I might try this on another casting, just in case. Or perhaps I'll let you tackle that in the upcoming "Lustria's Best" painting competition ;)
Re: Next AOW lizardman Good job!
Will do!
Hey thanks everyone! I'm about to have another week of long days and late nights at the office (the life of a litigator!) so I thought I'd check...
Thanks for the comments guys! Word came to me last night that these will be added to the Chapterhouse website NEXT WEEK as a new release! Here...
OK, OK! Sorry this took so long - work has been beyond crazy (let's hope that is a good sign for the economy as a whole!) So here's a photo of...
T`hinker`er - 20 - Gemini Purple-Teal/gold