Yeah, that would be helpful...I'm a bit underwater here at work, and dealing with the fallout from hurricane Sandy too :(
Yes, as long as you don't mind waiting a couple weeks for me to get this organized. Things at work right now are insanely busy...
Yeah, that's what I thought. The original article only mentions the danger of a Grudge Thrower deviating, but the cannon is a far bigger concern...
Other than a crumble not leading to an overrun, I don't think swarms got much of a "buff" - the enemy can still do a combat reform to correct it's...
I thought it better than we do custom 6's and then the second die with the "snake eyes" would be custom everything, at between $4 and $5 per dice...
Try resting your hands on the table as you paint. The downside is that you have to hunch over to get your eyes up close to what you are working...
Can a Scar Vet on a Cold One joined to a unit of Saurus be picked out by a cannon? Sorry, I don't have my book handy...
I've got the same Ral Partha feathered serpent unassembled in a box...shhh! Don't let GW catch on that any of these RP models are still out there...
Yaaaaay! O.K., I'm down for a set of each and every specialized die we come up with :)
Is he saying that Gemini Purple-Teal/gold is out of stock? If so, I'd wait until they have that color restocked before ordering. If we can't...
Good point on the jungle swarms, thanks!
My vote would be customoize the 6 and the 1, rather than have to order a separate set of 3 dice to just use for cold blooded leadership rolls....
I think we've been playing something wrong - if a cannon ball is bouncing through a unit and fails to kill a model, does it keep on moving?
If you do 1's and 6's then you don't need to have 2 different sets of dice made up. And if you are ordering "leadership" dice, remember you need...
Looks like 3 votes for replacing both the 6 and 1. Would the folks who voted to just replacing the 6 or the one not buy if both were replaced?...
What do you mean, long range penalty "if applicable"? I thought we are supposed to shoot as soon as the enemy comes into range of the ranged...
I have to agree with cuppa-coaco! In what other army could a lowly tinkerer rise to be a general? ;) As for weakness, I would agree that our...
Yeah, you definitely need the krox (and I know where you can get some!) I like your movement trays for the salamanders. I might have to do...
I've used a skink BSB in the past and it usually works ok as long as you keep him in a unit of skink skirmishers out of harm's way, in the back...