"I have enough of these mutherhucking snakes on this mutherhucking plane!" Ahhh, gotta love Hollywood! :D Pull up a toadstood, and welcome to...
I'd be all for some kind of promotion. I think the painting contest will help, especially once the Croc-ogres I sculpted are available at retail....
Ok, sounds good!
Either one, provided the green is toned down to more of a pastel. Right now it looks almost neon and there is no blending between the two colors,...
I can't wait to get my hands on these figures. I've been missing them since I mailed them off for casting... I am really looking forward to...
Excellent thread guys, keep it going :) I can certainly see the appeal of video/computer games and have at one time or another in my life been...
Hey guys! I've been back from my honeymoon for a couple weeks now but so overwhelmed with getting my professional life back up to speed (not to...
Next time take your poison shots at the giant. It has no armor save and is pretty easy to take out with enough poison shots.
Please let us know how the battle goes. Very interested to hear about your luck using 3 skirmishing units and 2 units of terradon with 2 sallies...
Wow, these are really great! A real treat to see upon my return to this forum after taking almost a month off (just got married and went on a...
Wow, this looks great! I'm working on one of my own and this is inspiring! Keep us posted and keep up the good work!
Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Update 4/7 - Terradons Done The terradon on the left looks very interesting but hard to see - any chance of a close...
Ditto the above comments from another classic lizard lover. I agree with the need to incorporate some newer figures just because of changes in...
PURE GOLD! Thanks!!! :) -Tink
Re: Skirmisher Charge Reaction Question and Suggestions Need Just be careful that when you do that "free reform" after marching your skirmishers...
Re: Lizardmen vs Bretonnia 2000 pts (first game feedback ple Correct! I was talking about pursuing fleeing troops after from combat, which is...
It would make life so much easier if everything were under one roof...I miss the old days when all Warhammer, every race and every fan from every...
Re: Lizardmen vs Bretonnia 2000 pts (first game feedback ple I would add that you need to have a talk with your Slann about miscasting! I am no...
Wow, that's a crap load of Cold Ones! Looking forward to some close ups as you get into the painting. How's the Lizardman traffic on WarSeer?...
Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Update 1/7 - Carnosaur conversio Good job on modelling the tail. I think you need to paint the t-rex's eyes though.