Since I now have the rulebook, I thought I would answer any questions people have about the new edition.
Hexec piped up, maybe a fierce strike to the banner could work? I am lost on any other ideas.
Crimsontide, getting rid of the wrong person will cost us dearly. And I am not listening to a convict and am looking at the evidence that is...
Before you go accusing me, I would like to direct you to each of the murders. The first was done by fishhook, the second by knives, and the third...
Hexec followed Ilok to the next room. Hopefully, the end of these tunnels would be coming. But these symbols did intrigue him. Maybe some ancient...
Bubble wrap and plastic containers. There is some breakage during transport, but usually just minimal.
Get a Slann. That alone should be a magic heavy list, even without any supporting casters. Give him a couple of good disciples and he will be...
Yet you accuse me of dishonour? I am an High Elf, honour is my life!
Crimsontide may carry daggers. He is as likely as me to carry them. And who knows, maybe you indeed carry daggers yourself.
I carry no daggers, I am a proud Shadow Warrior, skilled with a bow and sword, not daggers. I urge you reconsider, you are losing a valuable crew...
Re: The Defense of Konquata I am really sorry for such a long absence, but real life caught up with me the past couple weeks and I have been very...
I had only met both of them and you accuse me of killing them. I was close with Revered Guardian at the beginning too, and yet he is fine. I also...
((Ahh, sorry, I missed that.))
Hexec saw the statues come to life and immediately sprang into action. Unsheathing a javelin, he spun and threw it at the statue. It caught him...
"I am just as lost as you. I do not even know where to begin to start looking. Losing Craken is very, very unfortunate. He was a good man."...
Not as well versed in Lustrian as the others, Hexec just let them decipher the writing. It was a very ominous clue, he thought. Guardians could be...
Well, lizardninja has not said much, but has just voted for people. And as the saying goes, "those who do not say know, and those who do not know...
"Your reasoning is very interesting and merits further investigation. I will keep my current vote for Craken, for those who speak quickly often...
Hexec sighed again as thy continued. He really wished they would get out of the caves soon. What he would give to feel the breeze against his face...
Those who speak first often try to hide there own crimes. Craken accused Hunted first thus I choose him as my vote. Vote: Craken