Your list looks quite good, good combat, good magic defense, good maneuverability. If you decide to make a couple of the changes and have some...
Well-written! Great report! It sounds like a great game, the Carnosaur Lord being able to wreak knight units with the high number of high...
I would be willing to join a new game. This looks really cool, so I would be up for playing.
I just run my Slann solo. I find the Temple Guard too limiting to my style of play, so I always get something else. Having that many points in one...
I find that WoC are usually not to bad. Their slow movement makes it easy to outmaneuver them. That being said, their lord is nails and knights...
Hexec was not an expert on magical runes and their meanings and thought it better to leave that up to Ilok. He knew that Ilok would make the best...
Re: The Defense of Konquata So I have the two army lists my opponent and I will be using for the 5000 point battle. I will be using my Skink army...
Thanks a lot for these, I have been looking for the Amazon Priestess one forever!
Hexec looked up at the towering Kroxigor and instantly felt happy to have another warrior on their side. He did not like fighting in the front...
Hexec moved to react to the zombies, but his partners moved quicker, destroying all of the zombies before he could join the fray. He moved to...
I believe he can do both.
Yep, VC can still be subject to Stupidity.
I have just begun ignoring all the rumours now. There are soooo many out there, I really do not believe even 10% of them are true. We still have a...
Neither really. They both put way too many points into rather squishy Skink characters. I currently use neither and quite enjoy not having a ton...
Dragon Princes are great on the charge, but will die if they are stuck in sustained combat. The Dragon can be tough, but with some magic and...
Lore of Heavens could also work with Uranon's Thunderbolt, but Lore of Metal is by far my favourite. The chariots are a problem, but with careful...
I vote for continuation too! Weekends can be a little hard, but I can usually get on.
Welcome to LO! I think I recognize you from the Warhammer Forum, so nice to see you here!
Last time, my opponent that played with a unit of three of them was very frightened to engage my unit of Saurus Warriors with Oldblood. Probably...
Sorry guys not been able to post the last couple days. Definitely back on board though. Still want my Terradon! :)