So in preparation for my upcoming battle I prepared a couple of army lists. I posted one about a week ago, and obviously it was flawless, because...
Personally, I do not believe anything I do not see in print. There were rumours about the Lizardmen book and many of them turned out to be false....
Great battle report! Very humourous and well written! The Dark Elf list was probably slightly unoptimized with no Hydra or Black Guard. Looked...
IMO, ranked skinks > skirmishing skinks. Before I get ripped to shreds, let me explain. Perhaps ranked skinks only fit my playstyle better, but I...
Seems very suited to deal with the aforementioned list. Khorne is never a huge problem with redirecters and that list has a lot of anti armour for...
Re: The Defense of Konquata Lord Xlcontiqu felt a new presence in Lustria, one that he had not felt for many years. He felt the presence of their...
Hexec unsheathed his javelin and whipped it at one of the Marauders, slaying him with the poison working to deadly effect. He quickly jumped...
So here is the list I am planning on playing against my friend. Read here for more details:...
Hexec stared at the battlefield, feeling satsified that they had successfully repelled the invaders. That would teach humans to mess with the...
The chariots can hit pretty hard also, and be very wary of the Minotaur blocks. Most of the large targets can be taken out with skink shooting, so...
Just finished school! So glad I am done!
I have heard that GW is going to try to make a push for 3000 point games. I guess they are going to try expand the size of the game. Which would...
I have heard either TK or Ogres I believe.
Okay, that is looking much better. I would maybe take out the +D3 attacks with the sword, he already has eight attacks on the charge, does he need...
Yep, he is overdone. He is basically unkillable. With four wounds and T6, with a -1 to hit and wound and a 1+ AS and 3+ WS he is nigh untouchable....
Waaagh! happens at the beginning of the movement phase. So they can declare charges after it, thus the Wyvern trick works. However, Animosity...
Hexec saw that the spawn was almost dead and prepared to finish it off. One of the tentacles reached out to grab him, but he impaled it to the...
Hexec knew what he had to do. Sprinting forward he hefted a javelin and whipped it right towards one of the Marauders attacking Huaroc. Catching...
Te amo = I love you. I think.
I have also heard there will be a "stepping forward" rule. This would mean infantry would attack back even if they had been killed, if they still...