Good to hear Hunted! Glad that things are turning up!
I vote for the second one. Reasons: 1) No Temple Guard: IMO, Temple Guard are a point sink and I would never take them without a Slann. Honestly,...
My personal preference is the first one. It offers more flexibility compared to the other list. I tend to play a more avoidance list with lots of...
Hexec remained on guard, though tunnels were never something he enjoyed. He preferred the feel of flying through the air, free and unburdened....
I have to agree with erians. This list has the feel of a gunline. Almost everything in there shoots, and the avoidance you can play with this list...
I know you do not want to drop the banners, so I would agrue that dropping the champion on the two small Saurus block might be a good idea. Also,...
I agree with JohnMavrick. I can see the loss of the that block completely finishing the game off for you. I do like the idea of the list though....
((OOC: Sounds good to me. Sorry about missing the last couple of days. RL sort of got in the the way. I will try to be a bit more on top of it now.))
I can definitely write a Wood Elf one. I have played against them a fair bit.
For Hexec, the feel of the wind rushing against his face was the best feeling ever. Falling was very similar to flying and he felt right in his...
Re: The Defense of Konquata Lord Xlcontiqu was very disappointed with the battle for the first plaque. He would have to rethink his strategy, to...
Re: The Defense of Konquata Garatl slunk through the brush, nearing the ruined temple city. He saw the vile worshipers of Chaos there, closing in...
Nope, you cannot shoot into close combat, even if you are charging.
Very good article! I really enjoyed reading it and it definitely helped me with some of the tactics I do not know. Here is my input: Seal of...
A Slann is only 275 pts, with a free disciple it could potentially be devastating. That and Bane Head, would be quite good against a multitude of...
Well, if you cast spells out of the range of the Ring of Hotek, then maybe your opponent will use up enough dice so that he cannot dispel your...
((Bringing beast-handling points over)) Hexec is surprised to suddenly be grabbed by Hzutli. He sees that Ax-rodriq is in trouble, so he reaches...
I would offer that if you only two dice most spells, you should be basically immune to the affects to the ring. RoBI seems like the best way to...
I still think that with all the high armour saves running around, a cheap Slann is a great way to go. With Bane Head and Lore of Metal he can...
((OOC: I have another question on bringing over points. Say hypothetically I bring over my battle points. I now have two. Next day, I bring over...