Hi any1 else who have drooled over the cold ones (aka Predators) of Gamezone Miniatures?...
Yea but it is not only the connectors that get bruised.. Nothing actually broke off but it tears at where they connect..
But higher state of consciousness and skinks are cheaper! And a more tempting target!
Yea, but I would much rather he aimed his cannon at a unit of 10-20 Skink Skirmishers in a Tower with an invulnerable Slann, so that my core...
Huh? A direct mortar hit means that the whole unit is hit. In a building only 1d6 is hit.
Well d6 is not very much. Imagine the shooting it will take. And when finally stripping down to just shooting at the Slann imagine the opponents...
War machines have limited effect. And shooting is reduced to almost nothing. Skirmishers in a tower is really hard to hit. The only threat is...
Well color me blue-skinned... that sucks major Slann b... bones..
Hi I just had this crazy idea. What if you gave your Slann a Folding Fortress and put him in a large unit of skirmishers for protection. The...
Thanks! :-) Just a note for you regarding prices. If you follow the link above to where I bought the gameboard it shouild only amount to 200 CAD...
I agree. I think for the scenario objective there should be a limit on 20.
I was thinking yesterday about how I could construe the most powerful (in close combat terms) Old One build and I came up with this: Sword of...
You are welcome and thanks, I fixed the links now! :-)
I have now created a thread about the Citadel Gameboard as well:...
Hi Wanted to share my experiences with the Citadel Gameboard which I recently bought and painted. The Citadel Gameboard is here on GW's site:...
Hadn't thought of that. I guess a good house rule would be that Brets can choose to re-roll if that scenario comes up. And no more than 20 men...
Here is the battle report: :-)
Played a 2500 points battle yesterday against Empire with my new Lizardmen army. I have played O&G, Empire (and for a short while Skaven) since...