Xap pushed the door open, revealing a square room. Inside six putrid slave rats jumped up, ready to strike at Xap with their crude weapons. The...
Ronan moved over to the hanging body and began to search for any clues he could find, he checked the angles of the ropes and the hook in the body....
((k thanks, just making sure))
((just curious are we supposed to vote already?))
I agree I like the strawberry dart as well
Oh like the little skink on the slann's base, go for it ;)
The arrows shoot at the group, Hexec was hit, but looking at his chest where the arrow struck he noticed it hit a piece of metal on the strap that...
I have mine painted as a firebelly toad. [attach] [attach]
Ronan looked at the small group of men, then glanced at the new comer, who called himself Deadgrass a fitting name for someone who wreaked of it...
((Either PM or put it in hear either is fine)) ((Wolf Spirit its kind of difficult to explain how it works best thing I could suggest is read all...
Watches Hellbreaker as he moves to KroxigorFTW, then turns to look at the other folks on board. Craken looks at his pup Solum and wonders what...
The chosen lizardman turned the handle on the door, immediately the door swung itself open. Revealing two things, a ten foot hallway, turning...
The stone door is lifted, revealing a massive carved staircase. The group moved down making little sound, as the last lizarman entered Xap moved...
((I believe the consensus was the flower path)) Choosing the flower path the group moved slowly. The path was narrow at some points especially...
Love the standard looks great like how it looks like the slann is reading it. As for the bow, I'd just stick a bow in his free hand or on the...
Thanks for the reply. That's what I figured I just wanted to make sure I was doing it right.
Okay so reading the rules. If a hero with two wounds is in a unit and loses a wound, but the unit itself is not reduced to half points; do I...
((yep they wound be able to use the barbs to make paralytic barbs))
((the plants would be on the sides of the path. Require careful movement))
Ronan was a tracker back on the mainland, he and his trusty dog Solum, hunted and killed enemies of the empire. Very skilled was he that he was...