*Craken moved over to the table interested in the seriousness that has finally come through the men* It is refreshing to see the Lords not drunk,...
Very cool looking, but if it was me I think I would make the wings larger
Just letting you know there is an update on the page today.
Very cool tat
Yes I would say so as well. Read the rules about unit that have pursued of the table .
Yes? I am here. *Craken comes into the main hall where the rest are* I told you all I was retiring to my room, till I got some news. But I see...
Thanks for the vote of confidence guys.
Thanks hopefully it will turn out.
3 votes. So here's what I've decided. I'll continue, but I won't start posting till the 27th. Anyone that does not vote yes to stay in by then...
Just wanted to show you my Ogre Butcher WIP hope you enjoy it. http://locasarts.com/warhammer/ogreWIP.htm
First time I've seen this excellent job, they paining/converting is very well done.
K so that's two, I'll keep that in mind for sure (about the weekends that is).
Yes very. If I don't have them in the exact order they don't work very well.
Ha ha yep I have the exact same in my army. Tyrants for Krox and Gaan-hor for terradons though I need at least 1 more to make a unit. Also all my...
He's actually a reaper miniature. I believe they are called long strikers, the cold one comes from gamezone miniatures. I cut him up and...
hoard o bits
That's what I thought, but we didn't have the rule book and neither of us could remember how it worked so my opponent opted for it to work as a...
Here's my first battle report. I have a undead one on there as well. Hope you enjoy it. Not mentioned both armies where 1000pts WARNING PIC...
only 1 vote to continue so far, me thinks this be done
easier way is highlight everything. Ctrl c, click the person you want to post to Ctrl V